About School
The “OŠ Tržišče” is a Slovenian elementary school that has been educating pupils since 1888. The children attend this nine year elementary school and are 6 to 14 years old. This school has 125 students and 16 teachers. Since music is very important to this school, its choir, which has already won prizes and awards, participates in an exchange project with choral music. The directors of the school want the students to learn about other cultures and use their own skills to present themselves outside Slovenia. The teacher Mateja Repovž Lisec MA and Director Zvonka Mrgole BA will implement the project.
Concerts will be organized in Tržišče and in Sevnica. Since the school choir has a very good reputation, this exchange with Graz can be made possible.
The school’s goal is to strive towards developing an environment in which all the participants find their place and contribute to a mutual co-operation in an honest, responsible and positive way.
In addition to the prescribed curriculum, the school offers additional activities which ensure a diverse and up-to-date educational programme. Pupils have the chance to participate in many extra-curricular activities and compete in various science competitions. The school has a younger pupils’ choir as well as a youth choir, both of which are organized and conducted by our very own Mateja Repovž Lisec, MA. All the participants develop and create many musical harmonies with great enthusiasm. As such, they are very successful at various choir competitions – both locally as well as on the national level. By cooperating in the Erasmus+ “Ljubimo glasbo – Wir lieben Music” project the children in the choir look forward to participating on an international stage.
Other participating music schools
This project is a cooperation of several educational institutions for music in Austria and Slovenia. Here you find all musical schools listed.